Personal project




Character Design

These characters came up after a personal project that I was doing for a mobile application. The project was paralyzed due to technical complications and lack of budget. I currently keep them as a project that reminds me of my first steps in the vast world of illustration.

Estos personajes surgieron tras un proyecto personal que pensé realizar tiempo atrás para una aplicación móvil. El proyecto se paralizó por complicaciones técnicas y falta de presupuesto. Actualmente los guardo como un proyecto que me recuerda mis primeros pasos en el basto mundo de la ilustración.

These characters came up after a personal project that I was doing for a mobile application. The project was paralyzed due to technical complications and lack of budget. I currently keep them as a project that reminds me of my first steps in the vast world of illustration.

Personal project

Year: 2010


Character Design

Thank you
