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If you don’t believe in your bussines, look for another designer

Si no crees en tu negocio, busca a otro diseñador

If you don’t believe in your bussines, look for another designer



Because I only work with freelancers or companies that are convinced of what they do. People that see their business as something more than just a way of making money.

People that want to give a message, transmit their vision, facilitate life with a service or product, change the world, awaken consciences, or whatever motivates them, but always passionate.

Because for me passion is the engine that gives meaning and power to our work. I want to see and feel the love for what you do so I can help you transmit it with a brand image.

Porque solo trabajo con autónomos y empresas que estén convencidos de lo que hacen. Personas que vean su negocio como algo más que un mero sistema para enriquecerse económicamente.

Personas que quieran dar un mensaje, aportar su visión, facilitarnos la vida a través de un producto o servicio, cambiar el mundo, despertar conciencias, o lo que sea que les motive… Pero siempre apasionados.

Porque, para mí, la pasión es el motor que da sentido a nuestro trabajo. Quiero contagiarme de esa ilusión y ayudarte a transmitirla con tu imagen, ya que no hay mejor punto de partida para convertir grandes ideas en mejores proyectos.


In my case, determining a specific service is really difficult because I have done very diverse graphic designs. You can see some of them below so you can get an idea of ​​my work.

En mi caso, determinar un servicio concreto es realmente difícil porque he realizado trabajos gráficos de lo más variado, pero a continuación os muestro unos cuantos servicios para que os hagáis una idea por donde van los tiros.


Because I only work with freelancers or companies that are convinced of what they do. People that see their business as something more than just a way of making money.

People that want to give a message, transmit their vision, facilitate life with a service or product, change the world, awaken consciences, or whatever motivates them, but always passionate.

Because for me passion is the engine that gives meaning and power to our work. I want to see and feel the love for what you do so I can help you transmit it with a brand image.


In my case, determining a specific service is really difficult because I have done very diverse graphic designs. You can see some of them below so you can get an idea of ​​my work.


Brand design and corporate image for any type of company or business. If you are starting something big, but you do not know how to show it to the world in a way that it can be remembered and differentiate yourself from the competition, what you need is a good corporate image with a solid creative concept.



Promoting yourself online it’s now a priority for the vast majority of companies and individuals who want to make themselves known. I design webs starting from the creative concept to it’s visual structure and depending on it’s complexity I can cover all the construction process.



In my professional experience I have carried out campaigns for different brands, from the original idea to the completion of the entire graphic design process. Applied later in different media, both digital and printed, such as billboards, press, social media posts, landing pages…



Who says that communicating data and statistics has to be boring? The infographic is the best way to communicate heavy data making it easy to read and understand. With humor and a good structure all information can be transmitted in a better way.



In this service you will find everything related to the design of magazines, catalogs, newspapers and books. Knowing how to organize the information to guide the reader is essential to transmit it in the best way possible. Looking for a way so the reading is comfortable, fluid and organized has to become a constant so our edition can meet its objective.


I specialized in the design of sales and download screenshots for mobile applications in the last company I worked with. It turns out that it is a relatively new aspect of graphic design that has a lot of advertising potential for companies at a very low cost.



What I love the most about my job, is the packaging design. To give character and inform about a product using the opportunities that its surface and composition gives us, is the best way to give life to that product. This is a strategy that, well used, will multiply your sales.

Personal & Experimental Proyect


Are you creating a video game, an animated series or just want a pet for your soccer team or your business? Ask me, I love to be creative in the development of charismatic and different characters, is something that I really enjoy and it’s great to support a brand or to add value to your product.



Brand design and corporate image for any type of company or business. If you are starting something big, but you do not know how to show it to the world in a way that it can be remembered and differentiate yourself from the competition, what you need is a good corporate image with a solid creative concept.


Diseño de Marca e imagen corporativa para cualquier tipo de empresa o negocio. Si estás empezando algo grande, pero no sabes como mostrarte al mundo para ser recordado y diferenciarte de la competencia, lo que necesitas es una buena imagen corporativa con un concepto creativo sólido y un mejor aspecto.


Promoting yourself online it’s now a priority for the vast majority of companies and individuals who want to make themselves known. I design webs starting from the creative concept to it’s visual structure and depending on it’s complexity I can cover all the construction process.

Promocionarse a través de la red hace mucho tiempo que se convirtió en una prioridad para la gran mayoría de empresas y particulares que quieren darse a conocer. Diseño webs desde el concepto creativo hasta su estructura visual y en función de su complejidad puedo abarcar hasta la totalidad del proceso de construcción.



In my professional experience I have carried out campaigns for different brands, from the original idea to the completion of the entire graphic design process. Applied later in different media, both digital and printed, such as billboards, press, social media posts, landing pages…

En mi experiencia como profesional he realizado campañas para distintas marcas, desde la idea original hasta la realización de todo el proceso de Diseño gráfico. Aplicadas después en distintos medios, tanto digitales como impresos. Post de Facebook y Twitter, vallas publicitarias, anuncios de prensa…



Who says that communicating data and statistics has to be boring? The infographic is the best way to communicate heavy data making it easy to read and understand. With humor and a good structure all information can be transmitted in a better way.


¿Quién dice que informar mediante datos y estadísticas tiene que ser aburrido? Dominar la infografía es la mejor manera de comunicar datos pesados sin que así lo parezcan. Con humor o una buena estética agradable y muy bien estructurada toda información pasa mejor.


In this service you will find everything related to the design of magazines, catalogs, newspapers and books. Knowing how to organize the information to guide the reader is essential to transmit it in the best way possible. Looking for a way so the reading is comfortable, fluid and organized has to become a constant so our edition can meet its objective.

En este servicio se encuentra todo lo referente a diseño de revistas, catálogos, periódicos y libros. Saber organizar la información para guiar al espectador es fundamental para transmitir de la mejor manera posible. Buscar que la lectura sea cómoda, fluida y ordenada tiene que convertirse en una constante para que nuestra edición cumpla su objetivo.

& Experimental

& experimental


What I love the most about my job, is the packaging design. To give character and inform about a product using the opportunities that its surface and composition gives us, is the best way to give life to that product. This is a strategy that, well used, will multiply your sales.

Si algo me apasiona dentro del diseño es el Packaging o diseño de envolventes. Dar carácter e informar sobre un producto utilizando las oportunidades que nos brinda su superficie y composición es la mejor manera de dar vida a dicho producto. Esta es una estrategia que bien utilizada va a multiplicar tus ventas.


Are you creating a video game, an animated series or just want a pet for your soccer team or your business? Ask me, I love to be creative in the development of charismatic and different characters, is something that I really enjoy and it’s great to support a brand or to add value to your product.

¿Estás creando un videojuego, una serie animada o simplemente quieres una mascota para tu equipo de futbol o tu negocio? Pídemelo, aplicar la creatividad en el desarrollo de personajes carismáticos y diferentes, es algo con lo que disfruto muchísimo y es genial para apoyar una marca o para añadir valor a tu producto.



I specialized in the design of sales and download screenshots for mobile applications in the last company I worked with. It turns out that it is a relatively new aspect of graphic design that has a lot of advertising potential for companies at a very low cost.


Curiosamente en la última empresa con la que trabajé contratado me especialicé en el diseño de screenshots de venta o descarga para aplicaciones móviles. Resulta que es un aspecto del diseño gráfico relativamente nuevo que tiene mucho potencial publicitario para las empresas a un coste muy bajo.


I’m skilled in more aspects of graphic communication that are not mentioned in this section, but do not hesitate. As strange as your proposal may be, we will surely find a way to develop it. The wonderful thing about working with a divergent mind is that every problem has a solution and if something unknown appears, new skills are learned. So if you need a different job, put me to the test.


I’m skilled in more aspects of graphic communication that are not mentioned in this section, but do not hesitate. As strange as your proposal may be, we will surely find a way to develop it. The wonderful thing about working with a divergent mind is that every problem has a solution and if something unknown appears, new skills are learned. So if you need a different job, put me to the test.

Domino más aspectos de la comunicación gráfica que no se mencionan en este apartado, pero no te cortes. Por extraña que sea tu propuesta, seguro que encontraremos la manera de desarrollarla. Lo maravilloso de trabajar desde una mente divergente es que no existe problemática que no tenga solución y si aparece algo desconocido, se aprenden nuevas habilidades. Así que si necesitas algún trabajo diferente, ponme a prueba.


Kratos Warrior Workouts

Kratos Warrior Workouts

Life histories by Jané Group

Life histories by Jané Group





Imágen corporativa ICR Evolution

Imágen corporativa ICR Evolution

Software ICR Evolution

Software ICR Evolution

Alma Hair Spa Salon

Alma Hair Spa Salon

Redwood team

Redwood team

Cristina Moreno

Cristina Moreno

Web Huna

Web Huna





Franky 3D

Franky 3D

Kraken Music

Kraken Music

Web Itash

Web Itash



Matte Painting

Matte Painting

Web Vertice

Web Vertice

Beast 3D

Beast 3D

Montjuich & Sarrión

Montjuich & Sarrión





Darwin Awards

Darwin Awards

Campaña Chery

Campaña Chery





Akarui Font

Akarui Font

Mural Kia

Mural Kia



Screenshots Desigual

Screenshots Desigual

Obra FEM

Obra FEM

Web Incoproduction

Web Incoproduction


Kratos Warrior Workouts

Kratos Warrior Workouts

Life histories by Jané Group

Life histories by Jané Group





Imágen corporativa ICR Evolution

Imágen corporativa ICR Evolution

Software ICR Evolution

Software ICR Evolution

Alma Hair Spa Salon

Alma Hair Spa Salon

Redwood team

Redwood team

Cristina Moreno

Cristina Moreno

Web Huna

Web Huna





Franky 3D

Franky 3D

Kraken Music

Kraken Music

Web Itash

Web Itash



Matte Painting

Matte Painting

Web Vertice

Web Vertice

Beast 3D

Beast 3D

Montjuich & Sarrión

Montjuich & Sarrión





Darwin Awards

Darwin Awards

Campaña Chery

Campaña Chery





Akarui Font

Akarui Font

Mural Kia

Mural Kia



Screenshots Desigual

Screenshots Desigual

Obra FEM

Obra FEM

Web Incoproduction

Web Incoproduction

Thank you


Thank you


T (+34) 610 62 35 80